A sophisticated wall-tile for attractive spaces that speak your language, expressing themselves in your most beloved colours. “Elegance” graces the space with a new look and pure material with natural, bright simmers. “Elegance” reproduce the most beautiful calcareous stone of Asia Minor, Antalya Limestone.
It is perfect in every aspect, standing head and shoulders above other wall-tile for the superior quality of its finishes and the great care taken in the details. “Elegance” infuses incomparable beauty into every room, whether classic or contemporary, uniquely fusing style and practical needs with its range four colours: Via Tornabuoni, Via Montenapoleone, Via Condotti and Via Farini.
Kerlite Elegance 5plus is part of the PROTECT® line of products: antimicrobial floor and wall tiles, designed for healthy, safe and protected living spaces.